
reconference addresses today's most challenging socio-political issues and their intersections with feminism, art and technology. A global gathering over three days, reconference is a commitment to building inclusive feminist visions of justice.
Join us at reconference to present and engage!
Join us at reconference to present and engage!
- Abortion
- consent
- Disability
- Environmental Justice
- Pleasure & Danger
- Sex Work
- Sexual and Gender Diversity
- Sports
- Technology
Exploring the complex and divisive issues that continue to drive the abortion debate, this track will delve into its growing intersection with disability rights. It will create a space for learning on laws, language and politics across contexts, as they are embedded within women’s lived experiences.
At reconference we will:
rethink cultural and popular narratives that guide the abortion discourse globally.
reimagine decrimininalisation not just as working to change laws or reduce harm by mitigating the effects of restrictive legislation, but as a powerful story
of mobilisation.
reboot conversations on some of the most profound fault lines that have so far limited cross-movement alliance building on the issue of disability and abortion.
At reconference we will:
rethink cultural and popular narratives that guide the abortion discourse globally.
reimagine decrimininalisation not just as working to change laws or reduce harm by mitigating the effects of restrictive legislation, but as a powerful story
of mobilisation.
reboot conversations on some of the most profound fault lines that have so far limited cross-movement alliance building on the issue of disability and abortion.
Many people are familiar with and accept the idea that consent is an important part of sexual interactions and relationships. This track will delve into how, and what consent looks like – something that has been difficult for people to define, both to themselves and externally.
reconference will be a space to:
rethink critical questions about consent, recognizing the need to ensure that encounters are based on mutual and enthusiastic desire and not just permission.
reimagine how consent plays out for different bodies, in different situations and in different people’s lives.
reboot how ideas of consent can be used to expand an intersectional feminist agenda.
reconference will be a space to:
rethink critical questions about consent, recognizing the need to ensure that encounters are based on mutual and enthusiastic desire and not just permission.
reimagine how consent plays out for different bodies, in different situations and in different people’s lives.
reboot how ideas of consent can be used to expand an intersectional feminist agenda.
Challenging norms around bodies, ability and sexuality, the disability track pushes many boundaries.
At reconference we will:
rethink issues of disability and sexuality by unpacking models that have served as defining approaches to disability.
reimagine, through art and performance, women with disabilities as artists and build a powerful counter-narrative to models that label disabled bodies as non-normative, asexual, clumsy.
reboot conversations on some of the most profound fault lines that have so far limited cross-movement alliance building on the issue of disability and abortion.
At reconference we will:
rethink issues of disability and sexuality by unpacking models that have served as defining approaches to disability.
reimagine, through art and performance, women with disabilities as artists and build a powerful counter-narrative to models that label disabled bodies as non-normative, asexual, clumsy.
reboot conversations on some of the most profound fault lines that have so far limited cross-movement alliance building on the issue of disability and abortion.
Recognizing the collective power of the women's rights and environmental movements, this track engages with radical, creative and intersectional approaches to climate change and environmental justice while being mindful of social and gender inequalities.
At reconference we will:
rethink issues of gender, sexuality, disability, health and human rights drawing upon the intersections that exist with the environment.
reimagine models of resistance and leadership inspired by the collective power of women in environmental activism.
reboot our activism, struggles and practices to understand and address the social and gender inequalities faced by people on the margins because of environmental trends.
At reconference we will:
rethink issues of gender, sexuality, disability, health and human rights drawing upon the intersections that exist with the environment.
reimagine models of resistance and leadership inspired by the collective power of women in environmental activism.
reboot our activism, struggles and practices to understand and address the social and gender inequalities faced by people on the margins because of environmental trends.
This track will explore the deeply contested concepts of pleasure and danger that are often imposed on individuals – to include some, exclude others and ultimately to take away individual agency.
At reconference we will:
rethink pleasure (seen through the lens of sexuality), danger (as a right to take risks to seek pleasure) and who is excluded when we talk about both.
reimagine social norms and popular culture that push for contradictory definitions of pleasure and danger, and place them in juxtaposition.
reboot the idea of pleasure and danger as being a binary, and redefine them through the lenses of agency and autonomy.
At reconference we will:
rethink pleasure (seen through the lens of sexuality), danger (as a right to take risks to seek pleasure) and who is excluded when we talk about both.
reimagine social norms and popular culture that push for contradictory definitions of pleasure and danger, and place them in juxtaposition.
reboot the idea of pleasure and danger as being a binary, and redefine them through the lenses of agency and autonomy.
Sex workers’ rights are a feminist issue. Challenging morality-based judgments about sex work, this track explores sex work as work – and centres sex workers’ voices, experiences and organizing, and their strategies and models of resistance.
At reconference we will:
rethink the binary between feminism and sex work, reconsidering how women’s rights movements relate to sex work and sex workers, and how sex workers relate to feminism.
reimagine as feminists (sex workers and non-sex workers) how we talk about sex work, and make the case for sex workers’ rights and for decriminalization.
reboot feminist organizations and movements to embrace sex workers’ rights and the full decriminalization of sex work – as a feminist issue.
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At reconference we will:
rethink the binary between feminism and sex work, reconsidering how women’s rights movements relate to sex work and sex workers, and how sex workers relate to feminism.
reimagine as feminists (sex workers and non-sex workers) how we talk about sex work, and make the case for sex workers’ rights and for decriminalization.
reboot feminist organizations and movements to embrace sex workers’ rights and the full decriminalization of sex work – as a feminist issue.
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This track will explore the binaries of heteronormativity and challenge fixed identities as the foundation of LGBTI movements, exploring how sexual and gender diversity intersect with themes such as agency and autonomy, sexuality and technology and arts as activism. It will focus on links across movements, especially those challenging punitive laws, policies and practices.
At reconference we will:
rethink why we are choosing the language of “sexual and gender diversity” against the limitations of the LGBTIQ and SOGIESC frameworks.
reimagine ideas about sexual liberation, freedom and autonomy and place these back into the sexuality and gender discourse.
reboot the possibilities of cross-movement alliance-building and advocacy through narratives, stories and documentation.
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At reconference we will:
rethink why we are choosing the language of “sexual and gender diversity” against the limitations of the LGBTIQ and SOGIESC frameworks.
reimagine ideas about sexual liberation, freedom and autonomy and place these back into the sexuality and gender discourse.
reboot the possibilities of cross-movement alliance-building and advocacy through narratives, stories and documentation.
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This track will address how culture, race, region, caste, science, medicine, law and power all operate together to judge, monitor and regulate different bodies in sports.
At reconference we will:
rethink how to tackle discriminatory practices that act against women in sports, specifically on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, caste and ethnicity.
reimagine new perspectives and solidarities within and across movements.
reboot analysis around the policy and legal frameworks that restrict and control women in sports.
At reconference we will:
rethink how to tackle discriminatory practices that act against women in sports, specifically on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, caste and ethnicity.
reimagine new perspectives and solidarities within and across movements.
reboot analysis around the policy and legal frameworks that restrict and control women in sports.
Millions of individuals and communities around the world today use digital technologies to explore, express, navigate and advocate for their gender, sexuality and rights. This track will provide a crucial opportunity for us to engage with the formulations and contestations that technology has reinforced and enabled.
At reconference we will:
rethink the role and significance of technology on our lives, and collapse binary understandings of the online and the on ground.
reimagine the digital as a powerful political space of opportunities and threats, which is used both to surveill, oppress and exclude, and also as a space of struggle, resistance, and organizing.
reboot our activism away from the false binary of physical only versus digital only, and think about how they are interwoven.
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At reconference we will:
rethink the role and significance of technology on our lives, and collapse binary understandings of the online and the on ground.
reimagine the digital as a powerful political space of opportunities and threats, which is used both to surveill, oppress and exclude, and also as a space of struggle, resistance, and organizing.
reboot our activism away from the false binary of physical only versus digital only, and think about how they are interwoven.
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CREA builds feminist leadership, expands sexual and reproductive freedoms and advances human rights of all women, girls and trans people. Founded in 2000, CREA is a feminist human rights organization based in the Global South and led by Southern feminists that works at the grassroots, national, regional and international levels.
Reflections on #recon2019
A few weeks after #recon2019 has left us reflecting on the art and activism which came together over three days in Kathmandu. We have posted our highlights, but we love reading the reflections of others who joined us to rethink, reimagine and reboot feminist futures. Here are a few of the reactions to reconference from […]
6 years ago
CREA Statement of Solidarity with the People of Sri Lanka
As the world continues to reel from the attacks in Sri Lanka last Sunday – we too at CREA are struggling to process our profound horror at the loss of innocent lives. The attacks came less than two weeks after many of our Sri Lankan colleagues joined together with other global feminists to gather at […]
6 years ago
The Disturbing and Discriminatory Decision in the Case of Caster Semenya
The rejection of Caster Semenya’s appeal by the Court of Arbitration for Sport is deeply disturbing. From our many discussions at reconference and as pointed out by Katrina Karkazis, it is a cause of concern to see how the world still views testosterone, and the false assumptions that people make outside of scientific fact – particularly […]
6 years ago
Arundhati Roy, the storyteller with a seditious heart
The final featured conversation at the reconference was between Arundhati Roy, award-winning writer of two novels and over fifty works of non-fiction, and filmmaker Shohini Ghosh. Roy’s work focuses on a vast range of social and political issues, from imperialism and capitalism, to labor and environmental justice. Here are the major takeaways from the session: […]
6 years ago
The Overlapping Intersections of Bodies, Territories, Technology and Feminism
The third and final day of reconference opened with a poignant music video created by indigenous female rappers in Australia, who shared words of warning against environmental destruction. The video set the scene to open a plenary discussion on the intersection of environmental justice and feminist movements. Here are the top takeaways from the panel […]
6 years ago
The Queer Internationalism of John Greyson
The closing plenary of day 2 at reconference featured a conversation between prolific film and video artist, educator and activist John Greyson from Canada, and Indian filmmaker Shohini Ghosh. Greyson has made over 60 films and videos, teaches full-time at York University, and is completing a PhD. In the book Perils of Pedagogy, a number […]
6 years ago
Consent and Sports Panels Raise Surprising Questions for Feminist Movement Building
After an energy-filled opening day, Day 2 of reconference started with two plenary panels which spanned the issues of consent, pleasure and danger, who is a woman today, bodily autonomy and women in sports. Dynamic discussions were sparked as speakers from diverse backgrounds, practices and geographies, explored how the themes of consent and athletics are […]
6 years ago
The political theatre of Azadeh Akhlaghi
Day 1 of reconference kicked off on a strong note with a morning plenary on the harms of criminalization, and alternative ways to approach justice. Through the rest of the day, participants got the opportunity to delve into one or more of our nine key themes through a combination of breakout sessions, performances, panels, curated […]
6 years ago
reconference 2019 opens in Kathmandu, Nepal
More than 500 participants from over 50 countries, representing 180 organizations, have arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal for the first day of reconference. The excitement was electric as attendees entered the meeting room to kick off the conference with welcome messages, performances and plenary panels. Here are the major takeaways from the opening session and first […]
6 years ago
Jules Kim on International Women’s Day
Today on International Women’s Day I am celebrating the fact that I am a woman, I am a sex worker and I am a feminist. As a feminist I believe in respecting the agency and choices of other women- all women, including trans women, migrant women and women of colour. I believe in respecting the […]
6 years ago